##show second column contain word "account"
awk '$2 ~ account {print} ' filenamel
##show first column start with "e" in file check.sh
awk '$1 ~ /^e/ {print } ' check.sh
##show first column start with not contain "e" in file check.sh
awk '$1 !~ /^e/ {print } ' check.sh
##search and grep "account" from file
awk '/account/ {print } ' check.sh
awk '/^account/ {print }' check.sh
##if > < >= <= && || finding $5 more than 2000 and less than 2500 then print
awk '$5 > 2000 && $5 <2500 {print $0}' check.sh
##if > < >= <= && || finding $5 more than 2000 or $5 not contain "sal" in line then print
awk '$5 > 2000 || $5 !~ /sal/ {print $0}' check.sh
##if need change first line with specific "Start processing" and grep "account"
awk 'BEGIN {print "Start processing"} {print $0}' check.sh
awk 'BEGIN {print "Start processing"} /account/ {print $0}' check.sh
###if need add BEGIN and END of awk and grep "account"
awk 'BEGIN {print "Start processing"} /account/ {print $0} END {print "End processed"}' check.sh
##if need count NR=Number record , NF=Number of field
awk '{print NR,$0,NF} END {print "End processed"}' check.sh
##if need print LAST Field $NF
awk '{print NR,$0,$NF,FILENAME} ' check.sh
##if need only line4 until line8 in file to show
awk 'NR==4,NR==8 {print $0}' check.sh
awk 'NR==4,NR==8 {print $0}' check.sh | awk '$3 ~ /username/'
##if substitute space with some character use OFS=output field substitute => if see space " " then replace with "@@"
awk 'NR==4,NR==8 {print $0}' check.sh | awk 'BEGIN{OFS="@@"} {print $2,$3}'
awk 'BEGIN {print "Start processing"} {print $0}' text3 | awk 'BEGIN{OFS="@"} {print $1,$2".com"}'
##if substitute space with some character use FS=field substitute => if see ":" then replace with space " "
awk 'BEGIN{FS=":"} {print $2,$3}' text4
##if substitute space with some character use FS=field substitute => if see ":" then replace with "@@"
awk 'BEGIN{FS=":";OFS="@@"} {print $2,$3}' text4
##if substitute last character in file use ORS=":" with :
awk 'BEGIN {print "Start processing"} {print $0}' text3 | awk 'BEGIN{OFS="@";ORS=":"} {print $1,$2".com"}'
output=> Start@processing.com:store@manager.com:Woodridge,Australia@Jon.com:Lethbridge,Canada@Mike.com:Bridge,
###if need awk run if condition or run condition on script file
awk '{if ($3 > 2000) print $0 }' text3
store manager total_sales
Woodridge,Australia Jon Stephens 33726.77
Lethbridge,Canada Mike Hillyer 33679.79
Bridge,Canada Mike Hillyer 43679.89
Saimai,Bangkok Packetlove 8229.4
awk '{if ($3 > 2000) print $0; else print "Low" }' text3
store manager total_sales
Woodridge,Australia Jon Stephens 33726.77
Lethbridge,Canada Mike Hillyer 33679.79
Bridge,Canada Mike Hillyer 43679.89
Saimai,Bangkok Packetlove 8229.4
###if need awk run if condition or run condition on script file
awk -f script text4
###toupper=change small character to BIG capital leeter on first column , length=count length of character on $3
awk '{print toupper($1),length($3)} {print $0}' text3